About Us

Thanks for stopping by.  Throughout our time abroad, HereWithMe will be our main medium for documenting our journey – the places we go, the people we meet, and the food we eat.  While getting started we’ll do our best to post experiences and stories as often as possible to give you, our friends and family a way stay connected.  

A little about us:  We’re a Boston brewed and California grown pair brought together in San Francisco while working in the middle of the often cliched, and often envied, tech capital of the world (or at least the world as we know it, but hopefully that worldview expands in the coming months).  Working within the bubble provided us with a rare and lucky opportunity to burst out to meet the rest of the world and see what it’s made of.  In the process we hope to find out what we’re made of too.  See our first post for more on why we decided to do this now and what we hope to seek, discover, and explore.  

While this website will continue to develop and morph as we find our voice, the intention will always be the same.  No matter where we are, if you feel like it, you can come be herewithme.  

Come Join Us,

Nick and Ali